No big deal here!You can make a decent power amplifier using just three transistors.All components used here can be obtained from your electronic junk box.Also you just need a 9V transistor radio battery to power this circuit. The circuit is ideal for a pocket radio or other hand held audio equipments.The first part of the circuit here is a preamplifier consisting of transistor Q1(2N2222).The collector of the Q3 is coupled to the base of Q2 (2N2905A),which forms a complementary symmetry pair with Q3 (2N3053).The amplified signal is available at the junction of emitter of two transistors.
* For Q1 you can try with any general purpose NPN transistors like BC107,BC148,etc.
* For Q2 and Q3 you can try any complimentary power transistors. The result may vary slightly.No problem.
* The can be also powered from a well regulated and filtered 9V DC power supply.
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